Sunday, May 24, 2020
Homer s The Odyssey, By Homer - 962 Words
In Homer’s The Odyssey, while Odysseus was away from home, there were suitors who lounged around his house and wanted Penelope’s hand in marriage. When Odysseus finally arrived home, he was outraged and eventually killed the suitors and the servants who were disloyal to Odysseus’s family. Some people might believe Odysseus was inhumane for killing the suitors, but Odysseus had a reason for everything he did. Odysseus killed the suitors and most of his servants in order to protect himself and his family, assert his title as King of Ithaka, and to enact his revenge for betrayal. This teaches us that Odysseus knew what he was doing and that he had a reason why he chose to do those actions. While some people might think Odysseus went barbaric when he killed all the suitors, other people might disagree and claim Odysseus went barbaric with a good reason. A good reason why Odysseus killed the suitors was not only because he wanted to protect himself, but to also protec t his family as well. Penelope managed to put off choosing a husband among the suitors for three years and it was clear that Penelope had no interest in marrying anyone, but the suitors continued to wait for her by lounging around her house. The suitors not only bothered Penelope, but also her son as well. The suitors occasionally teased Telemachos about his father’s absence, leaving Telemachos feeling hopeless and frustrated. To push things even further, one of the suitors daringly said to Telemachos, â€Å"I hope theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer Essay1479 Words  | 6 Pages The word â€Å"Family†, according to Merriam Webster, is thought to be a group of people brought together by common affiliation. The same cannot be said for the culture in the Odyssey by Homer. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is trying to get back home from fighting in the Trojan War. He has been away from home for almost 20 years longing to just be reunited with his kinfolk. Along the way, he comes across many obstacles that hinders him from reaching his home and family in in Ithaca. Luckily, the memoriesRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey, By Homer915 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the Odyssey, the hero, Odysseus is portrayed in two different and contradicting lights: the wise hero and the capricious leader blinded by his own pride. The epic writer, Homer, embodies the theme of hubris throughout Odysseus’ journey home. The idea of hubris, a trait of excessive pride, significantly develops personalities of characters within The Odyssey, and Homer ultimately creates a st atement about excessive pride. The dual portrayal of Odysseus leads the reader to ultimatelyRead MoreThe Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey Essay1314 Words  | 6 Pages8th century, The Odyssey, is Homer s epic of Odysseus 10-year struggle to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus defining character traits, such as nobility, courage, thirst for the glory and the appealing confidence in his authority dominated the storyline throughout. The many themes of this epic mainly focus around the Greek hero Odysseus however in my essay I will attempt to analyze hospitality. Hospitality shaped an important part of social interactions in The Odyssey. Although Greek societyRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer2018 Words  | 9 PagesThe Odyssey by Homer is more light in tone than the Iliad, of the same author: The good wins while the evil is punished. Even though the gods are still strict, the relationship between Odysseus and Athena is a more sincere and equal a relationship than be tween God and Man in the Iliad. Odysseus is distinguished not only by his bravery, but largely by his intellect and cunning. He is the type of resourceful man whom never gives up, thinks of the causes, is reverent and never gives in. The Odyssey isRead MoreThe Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey2866 Words  | 12 Pagesâ€Å"Homer’s Odyssey is the only surviving poem from a cycle of poems called the Nostoi (â€Å"the Returns†), which told of the returns home of the various Greek heroes at Troy†(Norcott, 2012). The Odyssey is one of many accounts of the Greek heroes that took part in the Trojan War. Odysseus’ story was just one that survived after all of these years. The story came out as an Epic only because of how the people revered the heroes as they started many trends, such as Odysseus’ Trojan horse. â€Å"These epics lieRead MoreThe Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey1267 Words  | 6 PagesLife in The Odyssey In The Odyssey, Odysseus is constantly being challenged. He is being challenged, so Homer can show us the standards for life in The Odyssey. There is no doubt that Odysseus is a great man, Homer even says so in the beginning lines of the text. Although Odysseus is a great man, he also makes mistakes but not any that he doesn t pay for. We learn the representation of life in The Odyssey through Odysseus challenges. Throughout the book, Odysseus specifically struggles with arroganceRead MoreHomer s Epic Hero, The Odyssey, By Homer1670 Words  | 7 Pages King of Ithaca, Odysseus was a Greek champion in the Trojan War. However, he is known best not for his heroic acts during combat, but for his journey back to Ithaca, to his wife and son, in the ten years that follow. In Homer’s epic hero, The Odyssey, the Greek poet tells of Odysseus’s hardships and how he used his heroic traits to overcome them. The myth is told in twenty four books. Odysseus is a hero because of his cleverness, loyalty, leadership, and courage. Odysseus is, without a doubtRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1128 Words  | 5 Pages The Odyssey shows a lot of different stereotypes for women throughout the book, taking action to get what they want. Odysseus is trying to get back home after ten long years since the fall of troy, and his son is going out to find him. Throughout the book Odysseus meets lots of woman who vary in personality. He meets woman with the stereotypes: â€Å"mantis†- dominant, eats its mate, destroys to gain power, feared by many. â€Å"Damsel in distress†- persecuted maiden, woman placed in a dire predicament requiresRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1202 Words  | 5 Pagescoping with the idea of losing his father and letting others to rule Ithaca. It is noticeable from the beginning of The Odyssey, written by Homer that Telemachus finds himself in a complicated situation where his life is seen to be in danger. He is a character of being distance from people. The i dea of Telemachus becoming his own father, threatens suitor’s control in Ithaca. Homer describes Telemachus as a teenager who has not found himself and is on a mission to become an adult as his father. TelemachusRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey 877 Words  | 4 PagesIn the â€Å"Odyssey†, Odysseus goes through obstacles throughout the book that a normal man couldn’t subside. One example is in book 9, his main obstacle that he is trying to face is to escape from being held hostage in a cave by a Cyclops better known as Polyphemus. Odysseus is a archetypal hero, he is also a role model, with an ambition to get to his homeland Ithaca. He goes through resisting temptation and using his intellect and physical strength to get him there, no matter the obstacle nor the negative
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