Tuesday, November 26, 2019
learning and motivation Essay Example
learning and motivation Essay Example learning and motivation Essay learning and motivation Essay Introduction: In order to study how people learn a new set of behaviors, we are going to apply three learning theories which learned though this course: classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social cognitive theory . ln this paper, only one example would be applied by the theories. The chosen example is a commercial of LNYX body wash which will be further described in the next paragraph. First, we will briefly describe the cases. Then, the application of the theory will be presented part by part from classical conditioning, operant conditioning to social cognitive theory . n each art, we will briefly introduce the major concept of the theories used , followed by the studies on the effectiveness of the commercial. Commercial Content: youtube. com/watch? v=YuvIsaOYr18 The following is the description of the commercial content. The commercial showed that there are two men who were using two different kinds of body wash product. They went clubbing together after using the two different body wash products. The man who used LYNX body wash is charm and handsome so that he got many attractions from girls but another man who used other brand of body wash did not. Classical Conditioning: According to the learning behaviorism approaches, there are two forms of associative learning: Classical conditioning and operant conditioning. I would briefly introduce what is classical conditioning and apply classical conditioning in the chosen advertisement. Last but not least, it will be an analysis on the effectiveness of this advertisement with certain related concepts. Classical conditioning is learning through association/ pairing This is a basic form of learning in which one stimulus predicts the occurrence of another. It also involves making a new connection, or association, between events in the environment. Referring to the commercial showed, before conditioning, charming and handsome man was the unconditioned stimulus and naturally elicits to the reflex of the unconditioned response which was got attraction from girls. During conditioning, there was the pairing up between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus. Refer to the commercial, charming and handsome man was the unconditioned stimulus and the LYNX body wash was the neutral stimulus which has no intrinsic meaning to the organism before conditioning. After conditioning, man would get attraction form girls after using the LYNX body wash product. So LYNX body wash become conditioned stimulus and elicit girls attraction which is the conditioned For the commercials effectiveness, it depends on peoples cognition of this commercial. According to the related concept of classical conditioning, stimulus generalization is automatic extension of conditioned responding to similar stimuli. Thus, One who are confused about LYNX body wash with other similar product cannot identify the difference and response in the same way with the similar products. That is, they believed that using other brands body wash can also get attraction form girls. Then, the commercials effectiveness would be diminished. Under another situation, stimulus discrimination, the organism does not respond the same way to two similar stimuli as it has learned to distinguish between them. One can distinguish between products of different brands and distinguish that only the use of LYNX can attract girls. So, the effectiveness of the commercial increase as people are willing to buy LYNX body wash in order to get attraction from girls . Therefore, the commercial effectiveness depends on peoples cognition on this advertisement. Operant Conditioning: According to operant conditioning, learning in which the probability of a response is changed by a change in its consequences. (Skinner, 1983)Following the law of effect, if the consequence is positive, or satisfying to the organism, in future with the same stimulus presented again, the same response will be more likely to occur, vice versa. Thus, Skinner said that we learn an association between a response to a stimulus and its consequences with the experiment he did. In this commercial, the stimulus is the use of LYNX body wash; the consequence is become attractive among girls. As we ll know, the consequences attractive here, is positive and pleasant, so people will be more likely to use LYNX body wash. The video shows both types of consequences: reinforcement and punishment. In the video, the man who use LYNX body wash and go clubbing becomes more charming and attracts girls attentions. Being charm is a positive reinforcement. Since Behavior is followed by the delivery of an appetitive stimulus, and it is Increases the probability of that behavior (Skinner, 1969), the delivery of attractiveness after using LYNX body wash reinforces him to increase the behavior of using LYNX body wash. Another man in the commercial, who wears in pink, is using other common brands body wash and going clubbing, he becomes feminine and unwelcome among girls. Removal of attractiveness is the negative punishment since behavior is followed by the removal of an appetitive stimulus, and it is decreasing the probability of that behavior (Skinner, 1969). Therefore, people will not choose to use other brands body wash so as to avoid the unwelcome consequence of removing attractiveness. In order to have an in-depth study on the effectiveness of the commercial based one perant conditioning, we will examine the fulfillment of some important conditions immediately and reinforcer must follow the response. In the commercial popularity among girls (reinforcer) Just followed the response of using LYNX body wash immediately. That means Reinforcers that precede a response rarely have an effect on the response. Moreover, there is no delay in the presentation of popularity among girls after the men using LYNX body wash which preserve the effectiveness of commercial. If the presentation of popularity among girls delayed, the commercial would become less effective as the reinforcers presentation is elayed and the noticed consequence become less rewarding. Last but not least, there are two men using in different brand of body wash but the popularity among girls was only presented when the desired response (use LYNX body wash) occurred. This fulfills the reinforcement contingency which stated that the reinforcer should be presented only when the desired response has occurred. Since there is a strong fulfillment of those conditions for operant conditioning, the commercial is regarded as effective. Social Cognitive Theory: The social cognitive theory force on what and how people learn from one another. There is a reciprocal causation in social cognitive theory stated that the interaction of three variables: environment, person and behavior, affect each other. In order to have a clearer insight on how social cognitive theory is applied in this commercial, we initiate our application from the first step, that is, processes in observation learning. The processes of observation learning included Attention to appropriate models, Retention, Motor Reproduction and Motivation. That means the learner have to pay attention to character in the commercial and remember what the character did. Next, he has to practice Models behavior by using LYNX body wash. If he believe that he will be charming after using LYNX body wash, he will be motivate to keep imitating the Models behavior. Observational learning occurs when an organisms responses are influenced by the observation of a models behavior. Unlike other learning theories, observational learning can be vicarious. In another words, organism simply observes another perform a behavior, notes the consequences, and modifies its own behavior in a future, similar situation. In such, learner observes that the models behavior of using LYNX body wash so as the vicarious reinforcement the model received in the commercial. The learner would then be reinforced by the vicarious reinforcement of Charming and handsome, he would be more likely to imitate the models behavior for the sake of obtaining the same kind of reinforcement in the future. That means, he is going to use LYNX body wash so as to become charming, handsome and attractive to girls. oth self-efficacy and expectancies would affect ones likelihood in imitating the behavior. When one believes they are capable of executing the behaviors successfully, he is with high self-efficacy. Thus, one who got high self-efficacy think that it is easy to get and use LYNX body wash after watching such modeling. He is more likely to imitate the model and using t he product mentioned in the commercial. Expectancies, is about the consequences of a behavior are what render the behavior more or less likely to occur. When one expect to receive a favorable consequence of being Charm and handsome after using LYNX, he is more likely to do so. In order to study whether the commercial is effective, we examine the fulfillment of characteristics of effective models. We found that the model is competent because earners are capable in getting get LYNX body wash. The model behaves in stereotypical gender-appropriate ways as boys generally want to be attractive among girls. to our belief, the commercial will be more effective to boys who seeking for lovers because the models behavior is relevant to the observers situation. as the commercial fulfill such characteristics of effective models, it is an effective commercial form the analysis of social cognitive theory. Conclusion: In conclusion, we had applied all three theories namely classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social cognitive theory in one commercial. We found that the learning effectiveness of the case would depend on different conditions. For instance, in classical conditioning, people would have confusion with different body wash brand thus decrease the effectiveness of the commercial when there is a stimulus generalization; however, commercial would become more effective when there is stimulus discrimination because people could distinguish between different brands which urging them in purchase LYNX body wash. In addition, we can look into some particular conditions and characteristics to scrutinize the effectiveness of the commercial. For operant conditioning, we have examine on some important conditions for operant conditioning like the reinforcement contingency, reinforce must follow the response and immediacy. For social cognitive theory, we have study in some of the Characteristics of effective models: Such as competency, stereotypical gender-appropriate ways and whether the models behavior is relevant to the observers situation. We also noticed that one with high self-efficacy and expectation towards the behavior would also increase the effectiveness of the commercial. Based on the fulfillment of those particular onditions and characteristics of operant conditioning and social cognitive theory respectively, we reckon that the commercial is still regarded as the effective one. Skinner, B. F. (1938). The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: B. F. Skinner Foundation. Skinner, B. F. (1969) Contingencies of Reinforcement: A Theoretical Analysis TV Commercial from YouTube: youtube. com/watch? v=YuvIsaOYr18 Bibliography Contingencies of Reinforcement: A Theoretical Analysis Skinner, B. F. (1950) Are theories of learning necessary? Psychological Review, 57(4), 193-216.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Teaching Children to Count
Teaching Children to Count A childs first teacher is their parent. Children are often exposed to their earliest math skills by their parents. When children are young, parents use food and toys as a vehicle to get their children to count or recite numbers. The focus tends to be on rote counting, always starting at number one rather than the understanding the concepts of counting. As parents feed their children, they will refer to one, two, and three as they give their child another spoonful or another piece of food or when they refer to building blocks and other toys. All of this is fine, but counting requires more than a simple rote approach whereby children memorize numbers in a chant-like fashion. Most of us forget how we learned the many concepts or principles of counting. Principles Behind Learning to Count Although weve given names to the concepts behind counting, we dont actually use these names when teaching young learners. Rather, we make observations and focus on the concept. Sequence: Children need to understand that regardless of which number they use for a starting point, the counting system has a sequence.Quantity or Conservation: The number also represents the group of objects regardless of size or distribution. Nine blocks spread all over the table are the same as nine blocks stacked on top of each other. Regardless of the placement of the objects or how theyre counted (order irrelevance), there are still nine objects. When developing this concept with young learners, its important to begin with pointing to or touching each object as the number is being said. The child needs to understand that the last number is the symbol used to represent the number of objects. They also need to practice counting the objects from bottom to top or left to right to discover that order is irrelevantregardless of how the items are counted, the number will remain constant.Counting Can Be Abstract: This may raise an eyebrow but have you ever asked a child to count the n umber of times youve thought about getting a task done? Some things that can be counted arent tangible. Its like counting dreams, thoughts or ideasthey can be counted but its a mental ​and not tangible process. Cardinality: When a child is counting a collection, the last item in the collection is the amount of the collection. For instance, if a child counts 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 marbles, knowing that the last number represents the number of marbles in the collection is cardinality. When a child is prompted to recount the marbles how many marbles there are, the child doesnt yet have cardinality. To support this concept, children need to be encouraged to count sets of objects and then probed for how many are in the set. The child needs to remember the last number represents the quantity of the set. Cardinality and quantity are related to counting concepts.Unitizing: Our number system groups objects into 10 once 9 is reached. We use a base 10 system whereby a 1 will represent ten, one hundred, one thousand, etc. Of the counting principles, this one tends to cause the greatest amount of difficulty for children. Note We’re sure youll never look at counting quite the same way when working with your children. More importantly, always keep blocks, counters, coins or buttons to ensure that you are teaching the counting principles concretely. The symbols wont mean anything without the concrete items to back them up.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Using Business Intelligence to Determine Social Network Essay
Using Business Intelligence to Determine Social Network - Essay Example Business intelligence mainly focuses on the processes and applications that happen within the business as opposed to competitive intelligence which focuses on the external environment, competitive activities especially. One main characteristic of business intelligence is its reliance on facts as opposed to rumors and heresy. Business Intelligence can be used to analyze people’s social networks to an extent that it may impact on organizations’ performances. This paper focuses on the application of business intelligence in analyzing social networks and its potential effects at the organizational level. Business Intelligence and Data Businesses depend on information form the field, which is translated into data, to make strategic business decisions. In many cases, businesses generate data which they store in databases, flat files or spreadsheets. The data that is stored by any business is extremely important to the organization especially if it is properly analysed and uti lized (Inmon and Nesavich 2008). In other words, the data stored by a business should not simply be perceived as information recorded in the past. It should be used for example to monitor sales trends for the purposes of planning market campaigns or to establish the kind of resources that ought to be allocated to certain sales teams. Such information could also be analysed to establish market trends and products that enjoy viability in the current and future marketplace. Yet again, information stored by the business may be used to analyse customer behavior (Negash 2004). Better stated, information can be analysed by organizations to increase profits and maximize revenues through the application of business intelligence. Social Networks A social network is basically a structure that is constituted by a set of actors who are engaged somehow in their interactions, connections or relationships (Liebowitz 2007). In other words, social networks are commonly associated with social groups. The actors or players in a social network may be individuals, businesses or organizations acting at a local, communal or even global level. What this means is that a social network is a group of individuals or organizations that interact with shared goals. While social networking can be done in person, most of the activity is done online. This is the case considering that the Internet is accessed by millions of people with common interests. Websites are commonly used for social networking as online community members who have common interests, or share related views in politics, religion, or hobbies meet and share views and ideas (Liebowitz 2007). Some of the most common and visible social networks in the current business environment include Facebook, Twiter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Google Plus+, Orkut, Tagged, Badoo, and myYearbook, just a few mentioned. While social networks have a great share of advantages, their limitations cannot be undermined. Data theft, frauds and viruses may be p art of the social networking experience. Business Intelligence and Social Networks Any organization that applies business intelligence cannot underestimate the potentiality of the application. Business intelligence can measure and report a vast amount of data real time (Respicio, Adam, and IOS Press 2010). Business intelligence may be used to harness trends, and create business to business and business to customer relationships on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. The data retrieved from social networks can effectively be
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Modern Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Modern Judaism - Essay Example Following the traditional Jewish rule, Orthodox Judaism requires men and women pray separately in their synagogues. Moreover, women cannot participate in certain rituals. Orthodox Judaism does not have any central authority. Synagogues are established by separate groups of Jews. As a result, every synagogue demonstrates the distinctive ideological aspects within Orthodox Judaism. In turn, â€Å"conservative Judaism fosters the practice of traditional Judaism while embracing modernity†(â€Å"Variants within Judaism†). It occupies a middle position between the two main types of Judaism. Its main feature is that it demonstrates loyalty to matters of faith, however, is conservative with respect to the principles of religious practice. The purpose of the study of sacred texts is to make Judaism more relevant in the modern society. Liberal Judaism also referred to as Progressive or Reform Judaism has its own peculiarities of the temple service. In particular, the English lan guage is used in worship, men and women are allowed to be in the same room in the synagogue. In addition, women may also be involved in all aspects of the temple
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Enlightenment and Its Social and Ideological Consequences Worldwide Essay Example for Free
The Enlightenment and Its Social and Ideological Consequences Worldwide Essay The Enlightenment in Europe, roughly from 1600 to the French Revolution in 1789, was an era that stressed, most of all, the rationalistic basis of science, and its application to all element of life. This essay argues that much of this rhetoric, such as from Bacon or Kant, is a mystification, and that the basic structure of the Enlightenment was about the rationalization of power and domination. This paper will begin its discussion on the Enlightenment with Immanuel Kant’s â€Å"What is Enlightenment? †move to the critique of this view from Adorno and Horkheimer, and see the more empirical approach of the Enlightenment worldwide through an analysis of some recent works on colonialism and the post-colonial ideology. Immanuel Kant wrote a very short piece on â€Å"What is Enlightenment? †in 1784. It is the chief work in this mystification. This is a piece that is easily accessible for the laymen–rare for Kant–and lays out the basic concepts of Enlightenment in the â€Å"freeing†of the mind from the shackles of tradition and religion. Kant holds that such shackles are created by the self from the motivation of laziness or complacency. It is easier to accept conventional truths than to struggle to find one’s own. Kant then holds that moral virtue, particularly courage, is necessary for true Enlightenment, since that courage is needed to go against received opinion. The truly enlightened individual needs to think for himself, develop their own conclusions, and hence, take nothing from authority. This movement is little more than a move from immaturity to adulthood; from the infantile life of the middle ages to the adult life of modern times. The formal properties of this motion is the release of the understanding from the prison of authority and received opinion. Hence, from this view of Kant, the Enlightenment and its scientific consequences have been associated with the rhetoric of liberation. The Enlightenment defines itself in the negative terms of the destruction of feudal relations based on religion and received opinion. The positive side (derive largely from Bacon and Descartes) is based on the concept that the release of the understanding can be done through the rigorous application of scientific methods to all areas of life, reaching an era of complete and true knowledge based on rational methods and principles. Hence, from Kant, science and its resultant technology is seen as liberation, and the creation of a new, utopian social order based on mechanization of all labor and the love of knowledge deriving from true principles. This rhetoric still dominates discourses about the Enlightenment and its negation of the â€Å"barbaric middle ages. †II. Adorno and Horkheimer on the Dialectics of Enlightenment It does not take long to get from Kant to Nietzsche. In fact, the amoral world of the infamous German is a mere brief step from the hyper individualism of Kant and his followers. Nietzsche took the Baconian dictum seriously that knowledge is power and of course, power is domination. The Kantian mystification of the Enlightenment had been exposed for generations in European letters from the conservative reaction against modern science to the leftist agitation of the above authors. In their 1944 work, Adorno and Horkheimer seek to eliminate the mystification that Kant had ushered in as the basic sense of Enlightenment self-definition. Their argument is a complex one, but it can easily be taken apart into eight specific movements or moments. 1. The Enlightenment, with its stress on science and hence technology, has not led to liberation, but to a hyper-centralization of power and technical authority. The knowledge necessary for specialized science and its administration are, by definition, available only to a few specialists. This means that Enlightenment individualism has led to a Nietzschian stress on the will to power of science. This will to power has resolved itself into a fetishization with central power and authority, and an esoteric sense of science as the new priesthood, available only to a few specialist and the moneyed powers who finance them. 2. This centralization of power and the domination of a scientific and technocratic elite has led to the creation of a uniform ideology: a sense of the power of science and the moneyed powers who control them. The issue here is that the scientific ideology is the only one, and that all problems can be solved by the judicious application of the scientific method, only if they receive enough money and power to do it. Science, at first a limited method of solving problem, has resolved itself into the domination of materialism and the creation of a scientific establishment, a set of institutions that identifies itself with â€Å"science†proper. In other words, the scientific establishment has taken the name of science and pinned it to themselves. 3. The domination of science and enlightenment capital relations has led to new forms of scientific consciousness like sociology, which has led to the standardization of society, and this standardization of social life has taken the form of labeling consumers. Creating consuming pockets of people who are seen not as people but as machines that buy the products that the capitalist technocracy has created. Citizenship has been replaced by consumption and being a part of the great chain of capitalist relations. 4. Even more than this, not only has political and economic power been tightly centralized, but even the very ideas of the population and their perceptions of the world are created and maintained by the â€Å"culture industry†that complex of capital and modern science that has sought to entertain the masses for profit, but have also replaced their own perceptions with that of the â€Å"cultural elite. †From the individualism of Kant, science and Enlightenment has created a new kind of human being: the slave that does not know he’s a slave. The entertainment industry that is so often a target of both left and right has taken upon itself, in the name of both profit and Enlightenment, to recreate the very perceptual matrix of the population as a whole. Replacing actual perception with their own, and hence, dictating music, dress, even cuisine according to its taste, quickly adopted by the masses who think they are thinking for themselves. 5. The movies, as well as the mass production entertainment industry of the technocracy, has recreated the person according to its own will. Reality itself is the creation of the â€Å"illusion industry†and has destroyed the last vestiges of individuality. Kant is exposed as a naive writer at best. 6. The creation of genre is part of the cultural domination of the technocracy. Genre is a pseudo-intellectual method of both standardizing production, but more importantly, the standardization of consumer taste. Genre is the destruction of culture for this reason. 7. This destruction of culture by forcing it into the standardization of genre means that art has been taken from the realm of the individual or the culture and placed into the realm of the machine: the culture machine that seeks to standardize art so as to make it amenable to scientifically planned consumption and production. Art is merely another commodity. 8. Finally, the culture itself becomes a single, commodified and standardized reality: the creation of the scientific technique as applied to film, entertainment and art. What has begun as a drive to liberate consciousness and the intellect has led to a scientific dystopia of enslavement to a series of media illusions, themselves based around profit and a centralized technocratic apparatus that has stamped out all free thought and has even commodified dissent from its own order.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Corrupt Practice of Physician-Assisted Suicide Essay -- Euthanasia
     Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease are just some of the illnesses millions of people are diagnosed with every day. These diseases and many other afflictions have the potential to cause extreme pain and suffering to individuals. Each person who has a terminal illness knows that death is inevitable. Knowing this fact, the afflicted are torn between the decision of letting the disease take its course or opting for euthanasia. Derek Humphrey, a founder of the Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization, gives an accurate definition of the word euthanasia, "The word 'euthanasia' comes from the Greek-eu, "good," and thanatos, "death. Literally, "good death" (18). Euthanasia, also called "mercy killing," is the act or practice of putting people to death who are suffering from painful, incurable diseases or incapacitating physical disorders. Euthanasia is an extremely di fficult and moral decision, one that a patient must make along with their family and doctors. Euthanasia involves tampering with the gift and privilege of life, many people stand on opposing sides of this issue. A specific kind called physician-assisted suicide is much debated because it poses two questions: is it morally justified? and, should it be legalized? Physician-assisted suicide is immoral and unacceptable for a number of reasons and, therefore, it should not be legalized. Assisting in suicide is killing someone with their consent. No doctor should help a patient die because it is their duty as a physician to preserve and prolong life, not take it away. If this were to be legalized, some doctors would abuse this law and people would get killed without the... .... 17-23. Jefferson, Thomas. "The Declaration of Independence." A World of Ideas: Essential readings for college writers. Ed. Lee A. Jacobs. Boston, Bedford: 1998: 76-79. Loconte, Joe. "Hospice Care Can Make Assisted Suicide Unnecessary." Euthanasia: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000. 96-104. Mappes, Thomas A., and David DeGrazia. Biomedical Ethics. New York: McGraw-      Hill, 1996. Misbin, Robert I. Euthanasia: The Good of the Patient, the Good of Society. Frederick: University Publishing Group, 1992. Smith, Wesley J. "Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide Would Harm Society." Physician-Assisted Suicide. Ed. Daniel A. Leone. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. 84-97. Weir, Robert F, ed. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Medical Ethics Ser. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1997.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Many scholars and practitioners admit that ABC has several pitfalls
Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ) method is the most well-known direction accounting invention in the last 20 old ages. It is primary used to heighten the productiveness and efficiency in the concern procedure ; to assist make budgets and set monetary values ; to sort client costs and better client dealingss ; to do determinations on strategic issues ; and to turn to external dialogue issues. ABC has been frequently used together with other direction tools and methods depending on the overall aims of specific enterprises. This paper analyzes ABC undertaking executions in assorted industries, identifies issues related to such executions and offers a model for maximal benefits.LITERATURE REVIEWWe have investigated recent literature in the countries of concern, direction, accounting, and finance, among others, reviewed over 20 articles related to ABC and identified 5 articles relevant to ABC executions. Based on the reappraisal of published literature from 1998 to 2009, we analyzed the usa ge of ABC. In a sum of 18 articles looking in accounting, finance, and public presentation direction diaries, we found that ABC was chiefly applied in the undermentioned five countries.Synthesis of ABC DevelopmentsMany bookmans and practicians admit that ABC has several booby traps. We can name the major unfavorable judgments as follows: †¢ A batch of practicians explain that ABC systems are expensive to implement, clip consuming and difficult to set. For case, Kaplan and Anderson ( 2007, p. 5 ) has described the ABC system of Hendee Enterprises, a Houston-based maker of sunshades. They explain that the ABC package took three yearss to cipher costs for the company ‘s 150 activities, 10,000 orders and 45,000 line points. †¢ A batch of failures have been compiled, particularly in the service industries. †¢ Finally, a batch of people think that the ABC method is excessively complex. As a effect, it sometimes fails to clear up the decision-making procedure and the scheme of the house. This is why since its early phases, several specific applications based on the ABC method have been suggested. Table 1 shows a synthesis of these applications. Their aims are: †¢ To diversify the costs objects ( merchandises, services, procedures, clients, markets, etc. ) †¢ To widen the analysis margin ( spacial and temporal broadening ) , and †¢ To find the relevant degree of inside informations to analyse the costs. These aim show a common aim, which is, to direct the computation of the costs towards the cardinal value factors of the house. In Table 1, we distinguish the three groups of techniques. †¢ The first one gathers those which enable spacial broadening of the costs margin. Some of them suggest to broaden the cost analysis to the clients ( customer-driven ABC ) , others to the rivals ( benchmarking-driven ABC ) , to the environment ( environmental-driven ABC ) , or to the providers and spouses ( interorganizational cost direction and open-book accounting ) . This list of solutions is non comprehensive. †¢ The 2nd one brings together those which allow analysis of future costs ( Activity-Based Budgeting ( ABB ) , Antos and Brimson, 1999 ) and a temporal broadening of the costs perimeter. These solutions consist of uniting the ABC method to the life rhythm bing or to the mark costing ( Horvath et al. , 1998 ) . We can besides associate the mark bing to a specific version of ABC called characteristic costing ( Cokins, 2002 ) . The characteristic costing ( Brimson, 1998 ) introduces another degree of analysis in the ABC method which is the merchandises characteristics. Several research workers have identified the links between the ABC and the mark bing methods. Lebas ( 1999, pp. 506-507 ) explains that ABC implies taking into history the value that the clients attribute to the merchandises. This is a rule of the mark bing method and this has a strong impact on the house ‘s cost rational construction. †¢ With the 3rd one, we put together techniques which propose to find the relevant degrees to analyse the costs, depending on the characteristics ( strategic and organisational ) of a house. In some instances, the procedures and scheme complexnesss are tremendous. The ABC method is deficient, so we need another attack to apportion the resources. The Resource Consumption Accounting ( RCA ) method ( Keys and van der Merwe, 2002 ) finish the ABC with a deeper analysis of resources. In other state of affairss, the complexness of the procedure is low and the ABC method is excessively elaborate. So, we can convey together several activities to put up a ‘meta-activity ‘ or a procedure with a individual cost driver. This is the premise of the procedure costing ( Horngren et al. , 2005 ) and the tip accounting methods. We besides analyze the time-driven ABC ( Kaplan and Anderson, 2007 ) which is an ‘equivalence method ‘ . It is the most recent ABC development. It is clearly a simplification of the ABC. With this technique, the activity film editing can be more simple ( like with procedure costing and thin accounting ) . But it can besides be more refined ( like RCA ) . Then, we conduct a more accurate analysis of several of these applications.To heighten productiveness and efficiency in the concern procedureIn USA, the authorities bureaus every bit good as the private sectors have embraced ABC to assist place working countries that could be more productive or efficient. For illustration, the United States Coast Guard and the metropolis of Indianapolis analyzed the cost of operations ( Kline and James, Journal of Mangement Issues, 2003 ) . An Air Force Base used ABC informations to cut down costs associated with denudation and painting an aircraft ( American Industrial Hygiene Associatio n, 2003 ) . ABC was used to assist an electricity company to turn to how efficiently operational activities add to the concern procedure and the optimum mix of resources necessary to expeditiously execute these activities ( Management Accounting, 80, 5:30-31, 1998. Lawson, a package confer withing house implemented ABC to place, proctor, and pull off the costs, activities, and processes involved in developing a new income generated service adviser ( Dub, Susan, ABC at Lawson, 1998 ) . In Paper Mills, ABC was applied with benchmarking to acquire the production inputs and resources ( Fogelholm, John. , 2006 ) .To assist make budgets and set monetary valuesTeva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. implemented ABC to assist put transportation monetary values among its divisions ( Kaplan, Robert, Norton, Harvard Business School Press: Converting Intangible Assetss into Tangible Income, 2004 ) . It is reported from experimental grounds on the virtues of ABC for monetary value scene in a competi tory market that differ in their ability to supply enlightening feedback ( Cardinaels, Eddy, Roodhooft, Filip, Warlop, Luk, Decisions: Journal of Management Accounting Research, 16, 133-148, 2004 ) . ABC can besides be used as a capital budgeting tool. A Fortune 500 company used ABC to turn out the viability of a capital investing of constructing a cybermall ( Coburn, Steve, Grove, Hugh, Cook, Tom, 1997 ) .To place client costs and better client dealingssThe usage of ABC and Customer Relation Management ( CRM ) aid companies analyze their clients, costs, and profitableness and assist them aline with their strategic ends ( Anderson, Brad, 2004 ) . In a bank, ABC was applied to clear up the relationship between resources and merchandise or client costs ( McDonald, Robert, 2004 ) . An ABC enterprise helped Kimberly Clark alter its internal procedure and besides convert its clients to alter the methods of cargos ( Cokins, Gary, 2004 ) . With ABC informations, Mahany Welding Supply ident ified concern activities and cost drivers more accurately, assisting to better the bringing service ( Krupnicki, Michael, Tyson, Thomas, 1997 ) . A impermanent employment company used ABC to place the public presentation of client channels ( Searcy, DeWayne, 2004 ) .To do determinations on strategic issuesAt Carrier Corporation, ABC information was used to cipher the fiscal benefits of cut downing rhythm times, natural stuff, work-in-process stock lists, and storage infinite demands every bit good as to do determinations on operation outsourcing ( Kaplan, Robert, 1997 ) . ABC attempts at Reichhold, Inc. improved the company ‘s capacity direction, rhythm times, value-added pricing determinations, and analysis of a fabrication works ( Palmer, Richard, 1998 ) . For little fabrication companies, ABC showed that most of the costs calculated for big occupations were lower under the volume-base theoretical account than the ABC theoretical account. ABC besides discovered that profitab leness began to diminish at certain occupation sizes ( Needy, Kim, Nachtmann, 2003 ) . Website www.Art.com applied ABC to steer resource allotment and determination devising ( Zeller, Thomas, 2001 )To turn to external dialogue issuesABC informations helps companies better negotiate contracts with outside sellers. The Hospice of Cardinal Kentucky negotiated with insurance companies and put payment footings that are more advantageous for the infirmary ( Baxendale, Sidney, 2000 ) . The ABC information besides prompt direction to educate referral beginnings to convey patients to hospital before acute attention becomes necessary. GE Capital Commercial Services implemented ABC to forestall losingss ensuing from underbidding ( Byerly, Davis, 2003 ) . It seems most of the ABC applications start with placing the cost of production or service bringing and so continue with either bettering efficiency or altering the work flow or activities to do the concern procedure more effectual. In several cases, the ABC enterprises were farther extended to do strategic determinations turn toing the corporate degree issues such as concern alliance or competitory determination devising. It clearly shows that ABC has been applied to a broad scope of industry sectors and functional spheres.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Democratic Education in Modern China Essay
Education plays an important role in transforming a society, this follows from its impact on the reasoning of persons, transforming of culture, change of attitude, increased efficiency and also the enhancement of a systematic analysis of some documentations that enable the creation of a new knowledge among other impacts. It enables the transfer of skills from one person to the other and also the sharing of experience that is meant to increase efficiency. Educating society enables the country to develop its human resources. This is enhanced through the imparting of skills that are meant to improve the labour productivity and efficiency in performing varied tasks. Education also impacts communication in a positive manner as the trainees are provided with the skills on how to effectively communicate. Effective communication enables the employees of an organisation to exchange ideas with much easy, hence promoting the sharing of experience that is likely to enhance improved efficiency in some organisation. Education history in China can be traced to have started at the initial stages of the Chinese civilization. It started among the nobles who established educational training for their young ones. The first school that was established in was Shang Hsiang, that was meant to teach the youth and specifically the nobles on some skills as provided by the Chinese culture (Deng, 1). The establishment of Shang Hsiang school can therefore be perceived as the starting point for education in China. Afterwards the government established five national schools that were meant to teach specifically the junior nobles. The national schools thought the six Arts that include rite, mathematics, Calligraphy, Charioteering, Archery and Archery, that formed the six practices of the Chinese culture. Within the same time, hundred schools of thought emerged within the Chinese community having Confucianism as the most popular school of thought. The leader of Confucianism, that is Confucius was perceived as being the originator for the education that was meant to reach the large numbers, that is, educate for the public. Confucius advocated for the provision of education to all the population without discrimination and encouraged the teaching of the students according to their respective ability. The advocating for education for all and according to their ability followed the discrimination that was existing by then in providing educational training because it was only meant for the noble youths, who were the offspring of he nobles. Therefore, this can be perceived as being a setback in the early development of education in China during the Cultural Revolution. The success and the failures of the Cultural Revolution reforms in Education. The success or the failure of the cultural revolution reforms imply the extend to which the educational reforms met the purported purposes as provided by the authority. In the early establishment of schools in China, the process of enhancing education was affected by the political structure, where schools were grouped according to political entities in order to gain favour of social influence. The political structure affected education depending on which school of thought that the leaders of the society regarded as being appropriate as the various schools of thought were in competition. For example, Qin Shi Huang favored for legalism, that is, the Chinese philosophy, and perceived the other schools of thought as being useless (Peterson, 20). Following his attitude, he used to burn books from the other schools of though and buried scholars belonging to the schools of thought that were not preferable according to him. This actions is one of the major setbacks that retarded the development of education in China during the cultural revolution. Confucianism was advocated as the national education doctrine by Emperor Wu of Han. This situation disadvantaged the other schools of thought that never had an upper hand in the Chinese politics, despite their educational content. Otherwise, it was just a matter of the attitude other than the quality of education inherent in different schools of schools of thought. The success of education in China was however boasted by the invention of paper in China. This enabled effective documentation of the educational teachings, and enhanced easy reference and storage. The freedom to access education, that is, the autonomy of education from political influence was enhanced through the defeat of the Chinese empire in the Opium war. This marked the turning point for education standard and access in China. Following the defeat, the modern western education streamed into the country in various languages. It also impacted the various sectors that included the national defence and the technicalities that were used in production. The government also boasted the education by sending numerous students abroad to study varied technical courses. The families also sent their offspring for study in the countries that include the United States of America, Europe and Japan. Towards the end of the 19th Century a number of high learning institutions were established that include the Jiaotong University and also the Peking University. On introducing the western education and deserting the cultural oriented education, the Chinese education system focused in enhancing economic modernisation as the main agenda foe improving the education standard. This direction was provided in 1984 following the designing of laws that were meant to govern the Chinese education system (Hill and Storey, 27). An education plan was also designed in 1985 that was meant to reform the education system. Among the contents on the plan included the five year compulsory education and also the instituting of the State Education Commission. The government devoted funds in the improvement of the education standards and ensuring that more citizens were accessible to education. In China, the policies that have been designed overtime have been alternating between improving the knowledge also the practical application of the knowledge in enhancing national development. This was meant to orient the education system in making it relevant for national development. The government has also been trying to lessen the gaps that exist between the workers and the peasants in terms of literacy. The urban population also seem to be more educated than the rural population, thus the government has also been trying to seal the gap by supplying the rural population with the educational facilities. There has also been an encouragement for the intellectuals to engage in providing manual labour in enhancing national development. Science and technology was offered the first priority in enhancing national development, however social sciences were also perceived as being reinforcing in attaining national development. The vocational training was considered equivalently important. The elite were encouraged to further their capabilities by seeking further training in improving their efficiency and competence. The intellectuals were also encouraged to engage in research that was meant to create new knowledge in integrating it which the knowledge from abroad. The beneficiaries of the criteria that used in selecting students for higher education during the cultural revolution time, where recommendations dependent on political connectivity than merit. The higher education in China can be perceived to have risen following the dynamics in the political policies that have been occurring in the modern China. The need for higher education arose due to the emphasis over professionalisms and the enabling of technical competence. In the early stages of Chinese cultural revolution, a large number of students were enrolled in Red Guard organizations which were the higher learning institutions by then (Williams, 117). In 1970s, according the admission criteria into the Red Guard, one was admitted to the organization only if they were recommended from their work unit and had good political credentials, and on the condition that they were not involved in the manual labour. There were no examinations that were meant to evaluate the ability of the students who were admitted to the University, meaning that there was a possibility for admitting incapable students to the university. Admission into a university heavily depended on political connections of an individual other than merit; therefore one required a political recommendation before joining university. Following the criteria that was used in admitting students into the university, the education standard was reported to had fallen to an extend to which the students were unable to read a book after leaving the university in their respective fields of study. This situation also had an impact of demoralizing the university administrators. The criteria of admission only gave an opportunity to the children of the cadres and the officers who had connections that were to enable them get admission for their children ‘through the back door’. Therefore, following the nature of the criteria that was used to admit students, the students who benefited from the high learning education were the ones who had a political connection that was to enable them secure an admission through the back door. This method of admission disadvantaged the potential students who could have made in better in the university due to lack of political connection. The children of the peasants stood at a disadvantage meaning that the cycle of being politically non-influential was likely to persist, as the politically influential persons were likely to prepare their children to take over after them, hence perpetuating leadership within some families. The Red Guards can be regarded as being naive pawns in an elite struggle other than being rational actors that were to protect their self interests. The criteria that was adapted by the Red Guards in admitting the students into the university portray the Red Guard as being naive pawns in an elite power struggle than rational actors protecting their self interest. This is evident in the situation where the red Guards only engaged in admitting students into the university without any evaluation on whether they have the ability to pursue various courses of their preference. As mentioned early, the graduates never even had the ability to read a book even after graduating from the university. The criteria locked out the children who belonged to his peasant families regardless of their ability to excel in academics. This situation enabled the politically connected persons to reign with fewer competitions from the other members of the society, regardless of their weaknesses because the criteria provided them with a protection against. The aim for the high education was to enable high performance among the students when they are in practice, implying that the admitting of students who do not qualify into the university following their political connections is anti development (Smith and Buckle, 231) The admitting of students who do not qualify for admission will contribute less to national development because the education attained while in the university will have less impact in improving their performance. The red guards were trying to ensure that competition is restrained because of the posts that were to enable them maintain their social classes were likely to be taken by the new elites that were likely to emerge among the peasants, thus it was a strategy over which the peasants were denied the opportunity to compete favorably with the politically connected persons. The dominance was only to be reinforced by restricting the new forces that were likely to emerge from the peasants is they accessed higher education. The Red guards can be regarded as being protecting their interests, but the protecting of their interests was irrational. They can be perceived as being irrational actors following the fact that the criteria was undermining national development, because the graduates were likely to fail meeting the responsibilities entrusted to them with regard to the academic tittles awarded to them. The aim for higher education was to enhance national development, therefore the act of offering education to persons who were certain to contribute less to national development seem to be an irrational act as the purported reasons for offering higher education were never attained. This implies the wasting of resources by the state in educating students whose marginal productivity in contributing to the national development was below the optimal requirements, thus a bogus investment. Thus, making the whole process an irrational. A comparison and contrast between the cultural revolution reforms in education and the educational reforms the were introduced after 1978. Following the failures of the cultural revolution reforms in education in attaining accelerated national development, there arose various reforms after 1978 that were meant to enhance effectiveness in the education system in enabling national development. For instant, during the 1980’s, there were a number of reforms that occurred following the modernization goals that were set by the government. The higher education was regarded as being the foundation for research and training that was meant to enhance national development on doing the application of the knowledge that is created (Jinxia, 219). This is different from the times of cultural revolution where higher education was used for the purpose of prestige and not for enhancing national development. There were also reforms in the management of the higher learning institutions that gave a new focus in terms of the offering opportunity to the students and the content of the courses offered. Following the reforms, the universities were provided with the opportunity of choosing their own curriculum and participation in the various projects. They were also grated an autonomy to hire their staff and manage the funds awarded to them by the government. The university admission criteria also changed, where only the academically able students were to be considered. In making a comparison between the cultural revolution reforms and the reforms after 1978, the reforms during the cultural revolutions were meant to perpetuate education only within the a few individuals in the society in enhancing the reigning of the a few over the majority, therefore, education was used as a strategy to rule. Education was denied to the peasants because offering them education was perceived as being ‘sharpening an iron for oneself’, therefore the reforms in the education system were meant to limit the access to education to a few individuals, that is, the persons who were politically connected. This is contrary to the policy reforms that were enhanced after 1978. After 1978, access to education was made easy, where higher education was meant for the students who were capable (Sakai, 67). That is, everything was done on merit, with less political influence through the enhanced university autonomy. The reforms were guided by the modern development goals that were set, which were supposed to enhance national development through the investing in education. National development was to be enabled through research and development that was to be based on the higher learning institutions. In enabling breakthroughs, the universities were then provided with an incentive of evaluating students before being admitted on ensuring that the education that was offered was to be effective in enhancing national development. The objective of the educational reforms during the cultural revolution was to maintain the societal status held by some families, that is, education was meant only for the nobles. After 1978, the objective of enhancing educational reforms changed from self interest to the realizing of national development through the building of human resources of the country. The results of educational reforms during the cultural revolution is the lagged technological development that was reflected in the retarded national development and also the existence of inequalities within the Chinese community following the nature of reforms that favoured some classes in society at the expense of the rest of the society. The country was also experiencing low labour productivity following the fact that the non-qualified personnels were given the opportunity to lead various institutions or perform some tasks that were entrusted to them. The results for the reforms after 1978 were positively rewarding in enhancing national development (Lu-chai, 93). The country was able to utilize the talents that were inherent in its population non-selectively through the admission to higher learning institutions based on merit. It increased equality in society as all the population later had equal access to education once one’s ability is evident. The country also realized improved labour productivity because the skills attained in higher learning institutions were likely to be applicable in practice following the nature of students admitted to the university. The impact of the dismantling the commune system in China and the return of family farming on the provision and demand for the basic education among the Chinese rural area Education in China was received as the means in which an individual can improve his or her welfare, and this is enhanced through the offering of services using the skills attained through education for compensation. Therefore, education was perceived as being an investment that was meant improve one’s welfare (Price, 311). The commune system in China can be perceived as a factor that contributed to persons in society not to work hard, because they were likely to get an equal share to the ones who did not work. Therefore, people, and more especially the ones who were living in the rural areas and who depended on farming did not see the need for seeking education as all their requirements were met communally. The dismantling of the commune system by the adaptation of the return to family farming affected the perception of persons in the Chinese society and more especially persons staying in the rural areas who heavily depended on farming. The implication of the dismantling is that each family was expected to struggle in satisfying its needs. Following the high population of the the Chinese people, the population never had a reasonable land to do farming on sustaining the population, therefore, the population turned to seeking education as a means of gaining skills that will enable then to earn a living. Therefore, the dismantling of the communism system to family farming can be perceived to have triggered the demand for basic education following the need to attain skills in enhancing an improved welfare. The family setups took the responsibility of ensuring that their children were educated in enhancing an improved welfare of both the family and for their children, thus is was perceived as being a gateway to success. The reasons as to why vocational training was popular during the reform period compared to the Maoist era. There were emphasis during the times of 1949-76 concerning the significance of vocational training in applying education to meet production requirements. The vocational education became popular after the 1978 reforms (Peake, 32). The logic behind vocational training popularity after the 1978 reforms is that during the times, that is, before 1978, the vocational training was perceived as being an inferior education to be offered to the peasant children, thus making it unpopular. During the reform period, vocational training became popular following the agenda for attaining modernization in China, therefore children were encouraged to join vocational training that was meant to equip the population with the skills that were supposed to delver the country into the desired modernization. The popularity of vocational training can also be attributed to the the dismantling of communism system in 1982 that lead to the family based farming. The dismantling of communism provided an incentive over which society members saw the need to acquire the skills that were expected to earn them a living hence an avenue over which vocational training attained popularity. The requirements for getting a university admission were based on merit during the times of the reforms, thus there was a large number of persons who were not likely to attain an entry into the university education. Therefore, as an alternative for attaining skills, the population opted for vocational training that had less requirements for training. The number of vocational training institutions were also many compared to the universities, therefore due to resource scarcity a large number of persons were likely to get vocational training than university education. Despite the large number of vocational training institutions, the institutions were also accessible even to the persons leaving in the rural areas, on the reason that the population is likely to utilize the reasons that are easily accessible than the ones that are far reaching. Work Cited Deng Peng. Private Education in Modern China. Greenwood Publishing Group. 1997. Hill, p. and Storey Colin. Facing Up to China: A Series of Essays from the Making of Modern. Brtistol Polytechnic Library. 1987. Lu-chai Chung. A History of Democratic Education in Modern China. University Publications of America. 1977. Jinxia Dong and Dong Jinxia. Women, Sports, and Society in Modern China: Holding Up More Than Half the Sky. F Cass. 2003. Peake Henderson. Nationalism and Education in Modern China. University of California. 2007. Peterson Glen. The Power of Words: literacy and Revolution in South China, 1949-95. UBC Press. 1998. Price, R. Education in Modern China. Routledge. 2004. Sakai Robert. Politics and Education in Modern China. Harvard University. 1953. Smith Douglas and Bucklew Neil. Middle Education in the Middle Kingdom: The Chinese Junior High School in Modern Taiwan. Praeger. 1997. Williams Michael and Humprys Graham. Citizenship Education and Lifelong Learning: Power and place. Nova Publishers. 2003.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
WaterGate essays
WaterGate essays President Ricmard M. Nixon is refereed to as one of the most controversial presidents in the history of the United States of America. He is synonymous with this title, because of his involvement in the great "Watergate" scandal. It all started with the election of 1972, Nixon's bid for a second term of presidency. In his attempt at re-election, Nixon took on a different strategy than any other re-election campaign of the past. Instead of using the usual Republican National Committee for re-election, President Nixon divided his campaign into two separate committees. These two committees were named , the Committee for re-election of the president, headed by Attorney General , John Mitchell, and the finance committee to re-elect the president, headed by Secretary of Commerce, Maurice Stans. "Together these committees managed to raise over sixty million dollars for the president' campaign." (Sam J. Ervin, The Whole Truth, pg.36) The work of these two committees enabled Nixon to defeat democrat nominee, George S. McGovern, by a landslide. This decision, by Nixon, would, in the future prove to be the beginning of the end for a good old "Tricky Dick". In his second term, Nixon was known to be positively involved with foreign affairs. "For example, he worked out an agreement with Vietnam to order a stoppage of the war and commence a prisoner exchange program in 1973." (World Book, Nixon, Vol 17) Also in 1973, he worked hard to improve relations with China. His attempts allowed us to open diplomatic office in their capital and they in ours. His events at home also included many positive His major accomplishment was ending the military draft in 1973. Many of his efforts were thwarted by his inability to work cooperatively with congress. This began with his refusal to approve of a program, spending billions of dollars on projects created by congress. "In return, they refused to support his bombing ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Are Good Questions to Ask in a College Interview
What Are Good Questions to Ask in a College Interview SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips College interviews are becoming increasingly common, especially among selective colleges. Manystudents go to interviews ready to answer questions but forget that it’s important to askinteresting questions as well. In this article, I’llestablish the basics ofhow to prepare for college interviews and explain what questions you should and shouldn’t askduring an interview, so you feel totally ready on the day of. About College Interviews A college interview provides the college with an opportunity to give you more information about the college and answer any of your questions about the school and the application process. Furthermore, the interview gives the school an opportunity to learn more about you, your interests, and how you’ll be able to contribute to the school. Very few colleges require an interview.Most large public universities don’t offer interviews because there are too many applicants.Typically, the colleges that offer interviews are very selective or private colleges.A few colleges that offer interviews include Columbia, Occidental, and Bates.Check a college’s website or contact the admission office to determine if interviews are offered and how to schedule one. Interviews can be on campus, usually with an admissions representative, or off campus near where you live, usually with a graduate of the college. If you have the optionto interview, you should do so.Interviewing shows the school that you’re genuinely interested in attending, and demonstrating interest can help your chances of gaining admission. Plus, the interview gives the school another opportunity to get to know you outside of what’s on your application. Don’t stress the interview too much. As long as you’re polite, attentive, and prepared, it should only help your chances of getting accepted. Live Life Happy/Flickr How to Prepare For an Interview Before your interview, research as much about the school as possible.Focus your research on why the school is a good match for you and your interests. You should have done a good amount of research before you decided to apply, so hopefully, this shouldn’t take much time. Your research before an interview should be mostly review and focusing on specifics about how the school fits your needs.For example, if you’re considering a specific major or program, you can research the course requirements, facilities, and professors. If you’re a singer who wants to be part of an acapella group in college, you can research the different acapella groups on campus. Most likely, at some point in the interview, you’ll be asked why you want to attend that school. If you’ve indicated that you want to pursue a specific major, you’ll be asked why. Your research should help you provide detailed responses.Use the school’s website, college finders, guidebooks, and search websites to help you learn about the school. Prepare questions to ask during the interview based on your research. Besides preparing questions for your interviewer, you should be ready to answer some typical interview questions. You can try to simulate the interview experience with a counselor, friend, or parent and practice answering these questions: Why do you want to attend the college? What can you contribute to the school? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your future goals? What is your favorite book and why? You may not be asked allof these questions, and you'll most likely be asked at least one question that you're not expecting. Be honest and thoughtful. You want to come off as conversational (not like you're reading from a script) butwell-prepared. On the day of your interview, make sureto dress professionally and be punctual. Dressing well and being on time show the interviewer that you're responsible and want to make a good impression. Feel free to rock a suit to your interview. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Why Should You Ask Questions During Your Interview? Asking questions shows your interest in the school and that you truly care about the college application and selection process. Ideally, it alsodemonstrates that you’re engaged and have been attentively listening to what the interviewer has been saying throughout the interview. Good Questions to Ask a College Interviewer Remember that your questions should demonstrate thought, that you’ve done your research, and that you’ve been listening to the interviewer.There are three major types of questions to ask: research-based questions, personal questions to the interviewer, and questions based on information the interviewer revealed during the interview. Good Research-Based Questions There are a ton of good research-based questions. Keep your questions focused, and make sure that they coincide with your interests. Prepare these questions in advance. Because you’ll be answering questions for the majority of the interview, you only need to prepare a few questions. Avoid asking questions that have answers that can be easily obtained with simple research. Here are a couple of hypothetical examples of good research-based questions: I would love to take advantage of the opportunities you offer for students to study in China, but I’m wondering if I’ll be able to do so if I’m on the volleyball team. Are there student-athletes who study abroad given the time commitments they have to make to their sport? I’m very interested in the internship program you have for journalism students. Do you know about specific internships students have gotten and how those internships have helped students academically or on their career paths? Good Personal Questions These are questions in which you ask for your interviewer’s perspective or opinion. Personal questions can be great questions because your interviewer is likely to want to provide guidance, and many people enjoy talking about themselves. Here are a couple of good personal questionsto ask your college interviewer: What advice would you have for me as an incoming freshman? What do you wish you would have known as an incoming freshman? I read about (insert popular on-campus event or tradition). Have you participated? What’s it like? This last type of question is good because it shows you’ve done your research and people tend to like to talk nostalgically of their college experience. Good Questions Showing You’ve Been Listening You can’t really prepare for these types of questions, but they’re good to ask because they show that you’re engaged, interested, and paying attention. If you can ask a question based on something the interviewer has told you during the interview, go for it.For example, if the interviewer discusses a tutoring program, you can ask the interviewer if he was involved in it, or you can ask for more details about how the program works. B Rosen/Flickr What You Shouldn't Ask There are some topics you should avoid asking about during your interview. Don’t ask about your chances of gaining admission.Definitely, don’t ask about whether you’ll get in. You may be seen as presumptuous, and your interviewer may not even be qualified to give you an honest answer. Often, interviewers are current students or alumni who haven’t seen your application, and other than what they report back to the school about the interview, they have no say on admissions decisions. Don't ask too many non-academic questions.Focus most of your questions on academics.While it’s perfectly acceptable to ask about campus life and extracurricular activities, remember that you’re primarily in college to study and learn. If the majority of your questions are about parties or sports, you may not be seen as a serious student. Don’t ask about any information that can be easily obtained from the college website or basic research.If you ask an interviewer where the school is located or if they have a certain major, you’re showing that you’ve spent little time preparing. Don’t ask about rankings or anything like â€Å"What’s your best department?†While colleges like to tout their rankings on their websites or in their brochures, your interview is not a good time to discuss them. Remember that the interviewer is trying to learn about you and determine your fit for that school. You don’t want to come across as being overly concerned with reputation or rankings. Also, the interviewer will be hesitant to say that any program or major is the best because she will be hesitant to imply that any program is worse or not as good. Keep your questions formal and professional.If your interviewer is a current student or alum, you can ask about her experience at the school and why she chose that particular college. However, don’t ask anything too personal. Your questions should be about topics that would be appropriate to discuss with a teacher or boss. Final Advice Do some research to prepare for your interview. Asking good questions is an excellent way to show you’re interested in the school and engaged. You can bring in your questions written down in case you forget one of your questions. However, most of the interview should just be a conversation. You don’t want to come off like you’ve tried to memorize everything you’re saying. If you’re worried about your interview, you can try to practice with a parent, teacher, counselor, or friend.If the person you practice with isn’t knowledgeable about the interview process, you can practice answering the common interview questions.Similarly, if you’re wondering if your prepared questions are good, ask one of your teachers or your counselor. Check out our guide to the best tools to help you prepare for your interview, including a notebook towrite your questions in. What's Next? To help learn more about different colleges and make the college selection process easier, consider going on college tours. If you need to improve your grades to strengthen your application, check out this article about how to get a 4.0 GPA. Finally, if you're working on your college applications, make sure you know how to write a great college essay. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Diversity at the work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Diversity at the work place - Essay Example ..........................................................................................................................5 Statement of the problem...............................................................................................................5 Literature review............................................................................................................................6 Findings .......................................................................................................................................10 Discussion.....................................................................................................................................12 Overcoming discrimination disability...........................................................................................15 Recommendations.........................................................................................................................17 Conclusion...................... ...............................................................................................................18 References .....................................................................................................................................20 Disability in the Workplace Abstract The issue of disability at workplaces has now taken a centre stage in many organizations and states for many years. Many governments have established policies, regulations and codes of conduct towards disabled individuals in terms of their involvement in organizational operations and responsibilities. As a result, management of companies have recognized the significance of implementing set policies on disabled individuals in their organizations. However, many disabled people in organizations across the world have been experiencing workplace discrimination based on their shortcomings. Disability discrimination is an illegal practice described by selective treatment of individuals with respec t to their physical abilities. Majority of the disabled individuals experience unfair treatment in the professional fields for many years. To date, some organizations have not completely gotten rid of the stigma. However, numerous organizations have implemented rules and regulations aimed at overcoming the disability in the workplace. Introduction Disability is a state of the body that limits the performance of an individual because of their physical or mental inability. A person with any physical or mental impairment or has a history of these conditions or is perceived to possess them is considered disabled in many organizations and countries across the world. Physical disability appears in many forms such as visual, hearing, mobility impairment, mental conditions such as autism and other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy and asthma. Disability discrimination in the work place still exists today with many disabled workers facing unfair treatment from either the employers or the co-workers. The management of all organizations are required to prevent and discourage any form of discrimination against the disabled. Disabled employees may receive lesser job benefits as compared to other workers because of their physical or mental conditions. Such benefits include less pay, minimal tasks assigned, limited training and other fringe benefits. The disabled employees may also be put under hardship working conditions that include being assigned difficult tasks with respect to
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